Lake Billy Chinook, OR
Upper Metolius Arm
Outing Information
- Date
- Start/End Time
- 7:30am to 1:00pm
- Best Fishing Time
- 7:30am to 10:45am
- Rating
- Good
- Classification
- Public
- Water Temp
- 45.0°F
- Water Clarity
- Clear - 5'+ visibility
- Water Level
- -
- User
- Kelvin Kempfer

Fish Caught
Caught | Avg Size | Pattern | Optional Fields |
4 | 10½" | Mother of Pearl Luhr Jensen Nordic 1oz. | |
4 | 10½" |
Skies | Morning | Afternoon | Evening |
Sunny | X | X | |
Precipitation | |||
None | X | X | |
Wind | |||
None | X | ||
Very Light - <5 knots | X |
- Air Temp High/Low
- 22.0°F / 52.0°F
- Wind Direction
- SW
- Weather Front
- Today followed a cold front.
- Barometer
- 30.05 falling
- Moon Phase
- 65% Full (Waning gibbous)
Other Patterns Tried
No other pattern information for this outing.
No hatch information for this outing.
Insect Seining
No seining information for this outing.
Fishing Partners
Brandon YoungWaypoints
121 27.025 lat, 44 36.114 lon Google MapsTides
No tide information was saved with this outing.
It was the first time out this year and the first time I fished with Brandon. I had decided to take a run to the upper Metolius river arm of Lake Billy Chinock. It was a cold start, but the motor was running smooth and the lake was calm. Reached the area where I had a lot of success before and found no fish in the sweet spot. However, just a short distance down, 60 ft. of water, we found fish and stayed on the spot until we caught nine kokanee. The tenth, our limit, alluded us. Giving up the ambition to catch the tenth kokanee, we moved into the Deschutes river arm to troll for bull trout. Finished the day trolling without any luck on the bulls. Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife checked our fish at the dock and mentioned we had the most catch reported at that time. The goat is still alive, a Bold Eagle was perched up on the cliffs, and a horse atop the rim.