NF Payette, ID
Outing Information
- Date
- Start/End Time
- 2:00pm to 4:00pm
- Best Fishing Time
- -
- Rating
- Good
- Classification
- Public
- Water Temp
- -
- Water Clarity
- Slightly Stained - 3' to 5' visibility
- Water Level
- 261cfs
- User
- Tony Broderick

Fish Caught
Rainbow Trout
Caught | Avg Size | Pattern | Optional Fields |
1 | 13" | #14 Brown Killer | |
1 | 10" | #6 Gold Spuddler | |
1 | 15" | #4 Black Kaufmann's Stone | |
3 | 12.67" |
Skies | Morning | Afternoon | Evening |
Mostly Cloudy | X | ||
Precipitation | |||
None | X | ||
Wind | |||
Very Light - <5 knots | X |
- Air Temp High/Low
- 50.0°F / -
- Wind Direction
- -
- Weather Front
- Today preceded a front.
- Barometer
- -
- Moon Phase
- 44% Full (Waning crescent)
Other Patterns Tried
- #10 Hopper
No hatch information for this outing.
Insect Seining
No seining information for this outing.
Fishing Partners
No fishing partners were saved with this outing.
116 04.841 lat, 44 15.575 lon Google MapsTides
No tide information was saved with this outing.
Decided to try Payette - drove by enough and with the water so low, had to try. Searched net and saw folks had good luck when low water. Usually a Class IV rapid.
Fished just below Smith's Ferry on a pullout. 2 nice pools with good-looking water. Only fished the lower - even with water so low, pool was deep.Threw nymphs, caught the first on the drift with the Killer dropped below a Rubber leg. The second, on a streamer - muddler minnow head with thin body, gold tinsel wrap (got at Sportsman's). Lost a lot of streamers to the rocks on backcast.
Third was a FAT bow, he hit when stonefly jigged as I moved position. Surprised the shit outta me.
Easy access, great late Fall spot.
Cruised NF above Donnelly to McCall - slow, shallow, crappy water. Above Smith's, water reputed to be barren.