Silver Creek, ID
Outing Information
- Date
- Start/End Time
- 9:00am to 11:30am
- Best Fishing Time
- -
- Rating
- Poor
- Classification
- Public
- Water Temp
- -
- Water Clarity
- Clear - 5'+ visibility
- Water Level
- -
- User
- Jason Hansen

Fish Caught
Rainbow Trout
Caught | Avg Size | Pattern | Optional Fields |
1 | 3" | #20 Black Clear Wing Spinner | |
1 | 3" |
Skies | Morning | Afternoon | Evening |
Mostly Cloudy | X | ||
Precipitation | |||
None | X | ||
Wind | |||
None | X | ||
Very Light - <5 knots | X |
- Air Temp High/Low
- 80.0°F / 70.0°F
- Wind Direction
- -
- Weather Front
- -
- Barometer
- -
- Moon Phase
- 47% Full (First quarter)
Other Patterns Tried
No other pattern information for this outing.
- 9 9 Trico Ephemeroptera Tricorythodes
Insect Seining
No seining information for this outing.
Fishing Partners
Karl SlothWaypoints
No waypoints were saved with this outing.
No tide information was saved with this outing.
After camping at the Willows Sunday night, Karl and I hit the Convservancy for some early trico action. There were some large swarms along the bank, and for a brief period, fish were rising pretty solidly in one short section of the stream. I had very little luck, however. I caught one dink and missed another rise or two.
I need some new trico patterns in the future. First, the tricos I saw all had bulbous thoraxes. Second, I think I need a CDC thorax pattern with light dun or white wings.