Lake Alexander, MN
Outing Information
- Date
- Start/End Time
- 8:00AM to 4:30PM
- Best Fishing Time
- 9:00AM to 11:00AM
- Rating
- Good
- Classification
- Public
- Water Temp
- 70.4°F
- Water Clarity
- Clear - 5'+ visibility
- Water Level
- High
- User
- Brett Wedlund
Fish Caught
Largemouth Bass
Caught | Avg Size | Pattern | Optional Fields |
10 | 12" | Watermelon w/ Red Flake | |
7 | 12" | ||
17 | 12" |
Skies | Morning | Afternoon | Evening |
Sunny | X | X | |
Precipitation | |||
None | X | X | |
Wind | |||
Light - 5 to 10 knots | X | X |
- Air Temp High/Low
- 85.0°F / 94.0°F
- Wind Direction
- W
- Weather Front
- -
- Barometer
- -
- Moon Phase
- 92% Full (Waning gibbous)
Other Patterns Tried
No other pattern information for this outing.
No hatch information for this outing.
Insect Seining
No seining information for this outing.
Fishing Partners
No fishing partners were saved with this outing.
No waypoints were saved with this outing.
No tide information was saved with this outing.
A good day on the lake, boating 26 small bass between the two of us. Saw a large northern on the inside of the reeds to the south side of Soldier Island. Broke a St.Croix Mojo while catching a small (10 incher). Worked further to the west of the South shore than usual with some luck.