Fishing Log Template

• By Jason Hansen • Miscellaneous

I have created a fishing log template for Fish Swami users to print off and use while fishing. The format is very similar to the format used to enter in the fishing log data in Fish Swami, so the transfer should be fairly seemless. The template can be found here:

Fishing Log Template.

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Derek Blandford

I printed off the template. It looks great. Print it at 85% if you want it all to fit on just 1 page.

I still recommend carrying some sort of water-proof notebook and recording each fish you catch as you catch it. It comes in real handy when you start catching more than 10 fish per day because it can get real hard to remember exactly what you caught and what you caught it on by the end of the day if you don't write it down as you go.

I carry an All-Weather Spiral (No. 303) made by "Rite in the Rain" which is 4 5/8" X 7". It's great in my float tube. You could go smaller if you wanted something more convenient for a fishing vest.

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